WordPress 5.3 – Overview & New Features

WordPress 5.3 – Overview & New Features

WordPress 5.3 (named as Kirk) is released on November 12, 2019. with new features and improvements. This new WordPress version includes improvements for the block editor and user interface.

WordPress v5.3 – New Features & Improvements

A New Default WordPress Theme:

WordPress 5.3 comes with a new theme default theme called Twenty Twenty.

Dashboard Design & UI Updates:

There are several changes in WordPress dashboard designs. Mainly, there are few improvements in colour contrasts on form fields and buttons.

Compatibility with PHP 7.4:

WordPress 5.3 seems to be fully compatible with the latest PHP 7.4.

Gutenberg blocks grouping:

In this WordPress version, You can create groups of blocks. This can be done by adding (or drag and drop) existing blocks into group block.

Image & Table block Improvement:

The new image block provides different styles to select images. Currently, it supports two styles: Default and Circle mask. Table block is also improved in WordPress 5.3.

There are many other changes and improvements that you can find in the following links.

Important Links: